AGM & Dinner
Join the CCA and over 400 members at our AGM! The CCA President and CCA Chair, along with
other executive members will report 2019 milestones, achievements and financials. The AGM
meeting will then be followed by a cocktail reception and a dinner, featuring a keynote speaker and
annual awards presentation, all hosted at Winsport.
Sponsorship opportunities
Presenting Sponsor $7,500 (1 available)
• Corporate video to open event
• Podium time
• Promotional materials placed on tables
• VIP seating for two
• Exhibitor booth
Wine Sponsor $3,500 (1 available)
• Branded neck tags
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $3,500 (1 available)
• Prominent branded signage in reception area
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Constructor Sponsor $2000
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Builder Sponsor $1000
• Recognition from podium