C.O.O. Taking RV cross country to visist employees

CCA former board director Sean Penn, COO of Chandos, took to the road this year and found a unique way to continue to connect with employees while also staying connected to family.

All this despite all the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

Another example of not wasting a good crisis.

Cross-country RV trip connects construction chief operating officer with employees during COVID

via GlobalNews Journal  By Lisa Johnson

Canadian companies with sites in different regions are finding ways to cope with travel restrictions. The chief operating officer of Chandos Construction Company has found a unique way to visit his employees while mitigating the risks of COVID-19. He purchased an RV and is making his way across the country engaging with employees with his family in tow. So far, they’ve logged 18,000 kilometres visiting work-sites across Canada

Article by Lena Hogarth
August 18, 2020

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