Calgary Construction Association Responds to Green Line LRT Shortlist


For months now, the CCA has raised concerns about the disproportionate involvement and influence of foreign consortiums and the absence of Calgary/Alberta based builders from the development of the Green Line LRT project.

With this announcement and the effective dismissal of others who represented stronger local involvement our position is unchanged.

The local sub contractor and supplier profile on this project was always the same so any comments being made in this regard are moot. Projects and delivery models of this nature are notoriously challenging and those who end up contracted with non-local based proponents with non-local priorities often come to regret it.

Ultimately the fact remains that the majority of economic benefit, including the potential for many jobs, will leave our economy – even go offshore.

Our hope remains that the successful proponent ensures that local businesses, contractors and sub-contractors are well utilized and we call on the City of Calgary to exercise its influence as the project owner in ensuring that these local businesses are protected throughout the construction and build-out of this vital phase.

Article by Lena Hogarth
August 3, 2022

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