Calgary Construction Association Responds to RFQ for Phase 1 of Green Line LRT Project Release, Raises Concerns About Development Partner Selection
Calgary Construction Association Responds to RFQ for Phase 1 of Green Line LRT Project Release, Raises Concerns About Development Partner Selection
Calgary, AB – The Calgary Construction Association (CCA) acknowledges that the Green Line LRT Project has released the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Phase 1, from Shepard to Eau Claire.
The CCA remains concerned about the procurement of this project and the impact on Calgary’s local construction industry. We remain steadfast in our position: we believe that the Province of Alberta’s unilateral insistence on a large, bundled mega-project has effectively ensured that only large foreign consortiums can oversee the project.
Based on the global performance on projects of this nature, this does not bode well for the prospect of final costs to the taxpayer, nor does it provide confidence in how local contractors, suppliers and service providers will be treated. Today’s announcement and scope of work anticipated in Phase 1 of the project underscores these fears.
The CCA has engaged directly in dialogue regarding the Green Line Project with the Green Line team and City of Calgary on behalf of industry and Calgarians for over three years. We categorically support the Green Line LRT project as a major element in Calgary’s continued growth and a stimulus for local industry firms. We will continue to work with our member stakeholders, the Green Line team and the City of Calgary towards the best possible outcome for Calgarians.
Projects like the Green Line LRT are for Calgarians – and should be built and managed by Calgarians. We remain hopeful that the Green Line team acknowledges these concerns as they consider the selection of a Development Partner in early 2023 following the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage.
For more information:
Frano Cavar
Director of Government Relations, Calgary Construction Association
(403) 291-3350