CCA Education Fund Committee Trustee Application


Are you interested in getting involved with CCA? Have you considered joining the CCA Education Fund Committee? We currently have openings on the trustee board and are actively seeking applications from employees of CCA member companies who are eager to contribute to this initiative.

The CCA Education Fund was incorporated in 1998. CCA proudly supports the future of the construction industry by administering over 70 annual scholarship programs. As part of the CCA’s dedication to the future of the construction industry, our Education Fund distributes over $80,000 in scholarships and bursaries yearly.

The CCA’s mission is deeply rooted in the belief that education is a cornerstone for success. Our trustees play a pivotal role in this mission, using their unique insights and expertise to oversee and govern the Association’s endeavors. Your participation would involve steering the direction of the CCA’s education initiatives, influencing the development of current and future programs, and providing essential feedback on advocacy issues that impact our sector.

As a trustee, you would be joining a dedicated team that collaborates to ensure that our educational fund continues to empower the industry’s professionals and maintain the high standards of construction education in Calgary.

Education Fund Committee Trustee Application 

Article by Lena Hogarth
May 15, 2024

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