CCA Update March 20, 2020

CCA Update March 20 2020

Dear Members and Colleagues,


Over the course of this week we have interacted with many across the industry in various
settings and are learning every day how to navigate in this new emerging reality.

Over 50 people have participated in our HR morning calls since Tuesday and we will likely
continue these next week. register here and feel free to join in any of them moving forward.
Feel free to call in every day if you wish.

Within 30 minutes of opening for registration yesterday our virtual legal panel had over
100 people signed up and as of 7:30 AM this morning that had increased to 140. The session
runs today from 11:00 – Noon and will be discussing contractual implications of this
situation including Force Majeure and Risk Management.

We will likely host other legal panels next week as this area is one of high interest.

We are also in contact with other groups with financial expertise and other knowledge and
will add to our webinar/zoom menu of information sessions over the following days.

Our second call with industry leaders was held today and this has continued to generate a
significant level of dialogue and ideas around leading through this crisis. Many of the
participants have contributed to the Pandemic Planning document that will be published
later today.

Over the course of this week two documents have actually been compiled through such
extensive collaboration and input from a number of organizations and industry experts.
These will be made available today and will be posted to our webpage as tools
designed to assist industry in managing our businesses and sites through the crisis.

Best Practices Pandemic Planning document detailing processes for managing
sites and offices.
• A closedown checklist tool should sites close down that will assist in all the planning
and activity that would be required if this occurs.

These will be shared across industry and will be working documents that will continually

The CCA team are available to receive your calls and will make sure that we are able to
maintain our services for you as needed despite the situation. To this end the office will be
open today from 10:00 AM until Noon for prearranged pick-up of prints, documents, seals
and signatures etc.

Please call the front offices when you arrive 403-291-3350 as the main doors are locked
and someone will need to let you in.

We will be registering all who visit and will be asking them to acknowledge that they are not
experiencing any symptoms prior to entering the facility.

We will arrange times next week for similar pick up based on need and demand – please plan
well regarding these so that we can meet your schedules.

Please contact the team with any other enquiries –
Membership, renewals and sponsorships –
Seals, documents and general enquiries etc –
Education classes
Events, marketing & communications

For any other enquiries or to let us know how else we might be able to support you all at this time,
please feel free to contact myself directly on my mobile – 403 830 7477 – or email at

Our community continues to step up and I am very proud to be part of an industry that is
comprised of so many committed people that are setting aside many of their own priorities
to also support and help others.

We may be heading into a weekend and a little respite from the day to day work but the
virus and all the worries will not be taking 2 days off.

Among all the work-related activity and family care etc please take time to care for
yourselves. We are working on some information and tools relative to our mental health and
that of our teams and will be making these available next week as we continue to do all that
we can to support our members and our colleagues through this.

Take some time to rest over the weekend and relax with family.

Best wishes to all.

Wm (Bill) Black B.Sc., CEC, LEED AP
President and COO

Article by Lena Hogarth
March 23, 2020

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