FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Construction Job Vacancies Decline in Calgary, But Sector Proportion of Total Vacancies Remains High at 1 in 5

Calgary, AB – January 15, 2025 – Job vacancies in Calgary’s trades and construction-related occupations saw a notable decrease in the third quarter of 2024, reflecting evolving labour market trends. Despite the decline in overall job vacancies, the construction sector’s share of overall vacancies remained relatively consistent compared to the same period in 2023.

The data, compiled by Statistics Canada and analyzed by Alberta Jobs, Economy and Trades, highlights the challenge of job vacancies faced by the construction industry: between July and September 2024, the Calgary Economic Region reported 5,890 job vacancies across key trades and construction-related management roles from a total number of 26,345 vacancies in the Calgary Economic Region. This number is down from 8,200 vacancies in the third quarter of 2023 from a total number of 30,500.

The data, based on the 2021 National Occupational Classification System (NOC), covers the following groups:

  • Managers in construction and facility operation and maintenance [NOC 7001]
  • Technical trades and transportation officers and controllers [NOC 72]
  • General trades [NOC 73]
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers [NOC 75110]

While overall vacancies declined, the proportion of these roles within the total job vacancy pool remained steady at 22 percent of all total vacancies in the trades and construction related-occupation, down from about 27 percent in 2023 – underscoring the ongoing demand for skilled trades and construction professionals in the region.

This consistency highlights the critical role of the construction industry in supporting Calgary’s infrastructure growth and economic resilience.

“In a province mired by high levels of growth and rising demand for housing, healthcare facilities, schools and infrastructure, construction continues to be a backbone of our local economy – even as overall job vacancies numbers evolve,” said Bill Black, President of the Calgary Construction Association. “The steady demand for skilled workers underscores the importance of workforce development and training initiatives to address the needs of this vital sector.”


For more information or media inquiries, please contact:

Frano Cavar
Director of Public Affairs and External Relations
Calgary Construction Association


About Calgary Construction Association: Formed in 1944, the Calgary Construction Association (CCA) is a professional association of over 850 member companies throughout the Calgary region. Through our partnerships with the residential and commercial construction industry, we represent over 100,000 Calgarians employed in the industry and their families. As an advocate for the construction industry, our mission is to help our members thrive now and into the future

Article by Lena Hogarth
January 15, 2025

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