CCA Updates
Tips for Disinfection
To view the ASP Bleack Disinfectant document on Mixing of Chlorine (Bleach) Solution for Disinfecting please click link below. ASP Bleach Disinfectant
COVID-19: Notice from Canadian Construction Association
COVID-19: Update from CCA Supporting our members. Supporting your business. Dear valued colleagues, These are unprecedented and challenging times. The impact of COVID-19 is changing at a rapid pace, but one thing that will not change is our commitment to you, your health, and the health of your business and employees. The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) is taking the following steps to support you during this difficult period. Defending your interests with the federal government CCA has been in daily contact with the Government of Canada to stay apprised of any policies in support of, or at odds with, the...
Coronavirus Skyrockets Cyber Crime Threats to Remote Workers
Click here for article Mar 17, 2020 Connections by Cara Bedford As the COVID-19 virus streaks through communities around the world, another threat is making itself known: cyber criminals. For many companies, new remote work options have been quickly put together and security has been relaxed to allow more staff members to work from home. This, coupled with fears over the virus itself, has given cyber criminals an opportunity to exploit WFH via phishing and RDP/remote access vulnerabilities. So, what do you and your staff members need to know? How Cyber Criminals Take Advantage of Your Employees As members of the...
CCA Update March 17, 2020
CCA Update March 17, 2020 Dear Members and Colleagues, CCA UPDATE As we enter another day with local, national and global circumstances continuing to evolve we wanted to reach out with an update for our members. There are many examples emerging of our great community spirit at work around our city and our own construction community is no different. We have been talking to many of you over the last 24hrs. We are learning from you all and we certainly feel the stress out there. With many questions and concerns arising daily we are looking for ways to assist members...
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When? For article click here Tomas Pueyo Follow Mar 10 · 26 min read Updated on 3/13/2020. Now reflects an update on containment vs. mitigation strategies. 28 translations at the bottom. Send me more existing translations in private notes at the bottom. This article has received over 35 million views in the last week. With everything that’s happening about the Coronavirus, it might be very hard to make a decision of what to do today. Should you wait for more information? Do something today? What? Here’s what I’m going to cover in...
Leadership in a crisis: Responding to the coronavirus outbreak and future challenges
To view article please click here March 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has placed extraordinary demands on leaders in business and beyond. The humanitarian toll taken by COVID-19 creates fear among employees and other stakeholders. The massive scale of the outbreak and its sheer unpredictability make it challenging for executives to respond. Indeed, the outbreak has the hallmarks of a “landscape scale” crisis: an unexpected event or sequence of events of enormous scale and overwhelming speed, resulting in a high degree of uncertainty that gives rise to disorientation, a feeling of lost control, and strong emotional disturbance. 1 Recognizing that a...