Vote for Janaka Ruwanpura!

Please click on the link below for instructions on how to vote for Janaka!

Vote for Janaka Ruwanpura Top25 Canadian Immigrant with QR Code

“I am very humbled and pleased that I’m on the shortlist for the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards of 2022! Canadian Immigrant magazine has officially begun the online voting stage for the awards, so please vote for me at”

The voting stage ends on June 10th, 2022, and the Top 25 winners will then be announced online in July and be featured in the July print edition of Canadian Immigrant.

Instructions: How to Vote
1. Visit
2. Select Janaka’s Profile Picture and Press “Vote Now”
3. Then scroll down the page until the end of all the other finalists.
4. Insert your email address, you may click “Yes” statement
(optional) and then click the RED button “VOTE NOW” to
confirm your vote.

5. Then you will see the confirmation Screen
indicating “

Janaka Ruwanpura’s biography
Professor and vice-provost and associate vicepresident
Research (International), University of
City: Calgary
Country of origin: Sri Lanka

An outstanding educator, prolific scholar, impactful, award-winning academic leader and administrator,
Janaka Ruwanpura, Ph.D., P.Eng, PQS, MRICS, FCSCE, NAC, is the vice-provost and associate vicepresident
research (international) and a tenured professor at the University of Calgary. Ruwanpura has
been an influential educator and scholar in construction engineering and project management, and an
innovator in global engagement. He has published over 180 referred technical papers, supervised 100+
graduate students, and produced 30+ best practices and tools, including commercialized products. He
has been a prominent keynote speaker and panelist for both engineering and internationalization
organizations around the world.

Born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Ruwanpura holds degrees from the University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka),
Arizona State University and the University of Alberta. Previously, Ruwanpura served as the Canada
Research Chair in Project Management Systems, director of University of Calgary’s Centre for Project
Management Excellence, and was the fourth Canadian inducted into the National Academy of
Construction in the United States. He is a professional engineer and professional quantity surveyor in

Ruwanpura has generously shared his expertise with numerous professional and community
organizations. He served as the convener and co-leader for the International Institute for Infrastructure
Resilience and Reconstruction, a 20+ multi-university global consortium. He was elected as the chair of
the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Commission on International Initiatives
(2019), the first Canadian to chair any commissions or councils of APLU. Ruwanpura is a board member
of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) and also volunteers his time with the
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta, the Immigrants Society of Calgary
and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, among others.

Ruwanpura has won international, national, provincial and municipal awards for his academic
accomplishments and leadership for teaching, research, innovation, service, leadership and
internationalization. A few recent awards include the Distinguished Alumni Award (Arizona State
University), City of Calgary’s International Achievement Award and CBIE’s Board of Directors Leadership
Award for Internationalization.

LinkedIn Profile:
University of Calgary Profile:

Article by Lena Hogarth
May 18, 2022

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