CCA Annual Partnership Sponsors
Grow your business by partnering with the CCA
Our membership includes more than 850 companies with over 25,000 total employees. We offer a wide-range of opportunities to connect and build business relationships.
AGM Sponsorship Opportunities
Presenting Sponsor $7,500 (1 available)
• Corporate video to open event
• Podium time
• Promotional materials placed on tables
• VIP seating for two
• Exhibitor booth
Wine Sponsor $3,500 (1 available)
• Branded neck tags
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Cocktail Reception Sponsor $3,500 (1 available)
• Prominent branded signage in reception area
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Constructor Sponsor $2000
• Recognition from podium
• Exhibitor booth
Builder Sponsor $1000
• Recognition from podium
Event Sponsorship
Achieve maximum industry exposure for your business with our CCA event sponsorship program.