Alberta Infrastructure Vendor Performance Management Program Continuous Improvements

Alberta Infrastructure’s Vendor Performance Management (VPM) Program has been operational over a year and a half.  As part of the commitment to evaluating and continuously improving the program, Alberta Infrastructure has identified improvements based on feedback from stakeholders during the course of the VPM Program’s use.


The following continuous improvement components have been adjusted to increase the VPM Program’s effectiveness:

  • Evaluation Frequency (Section 6.1)
    • Adjust the performance evaluation frequency to only require one evaluation for shorter duration contract less than one year, leaving discretion for an optional interim evaluation.
  • OVPR Formula (Section 7)
    • Adjust the current formula to properly reflect a weighted average, taking into account the sample size within the three-year rolling average where the current year is given the most weight.
    • This affects a very small number of vendor’s current OVPRs. You will be contacted directly if this change impacts your current OVPR value.
  • Related Parties (Sections 5.1, 10.4 and Appendix A)
    • Implement ‘Related Parties’ improvement by adding a definition in the VPM Program document and requesting that vendors complete a Relationship Disclosure to be included in the procurement submission requirements. Procurement will compare the related parties declared to the Suspended Vendor list during procurement evaluation.
  • Program Application
    • Clarification on the application of the program in certain circumstances. These include clarity on existing contracts (Section 3.3.3), out of scope (Section 3.3.4), joint ventures and partnerships (Section 5.4), acquisitions (Section 5.5), amalgamations (Section 5.6), and suspended or terminated contracts (Sections 6.6 and 6.7).
  • Minor administrative edits for clarity, and a new cover page design


Alberta Infrastructure also identified program components that require further exploration and collaboration with industry experts and stakeholders to develop and implement, this includes:

  • Scoring Clarity
    • Develop a clearer and more detailed scoring rubric.
  • OVPR Categorization
    • Further explore the application of categorization for Infrastructure projects/contracts.


The amended VPM Program is available on Alberta Infrastructure’s website.


If you have any questions, please contact


Article by Lena Hogarth
August 11, 2021

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